Our services
At Certainty, we recognize the paramount significance of delivering precise and reliable results to you. Our comprehensive array of services includes both in-house testing and outsourced services to authorized third-party laboratories. Our primary commitment revolves around ensuring a top-tier, high-precision testing experience.
Growers, manufactures, dispensaries, and cannabis patients need to know if their products contain safe levels of heavy metals. The cannabis plant is an excellent bioremediator, soaking up a large majority of whatever the roots come in contact with. Even at extremely low levels, heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium can be hazardous to one’s health.
A pesticide is any substance that can prevent, destroy, or repel insects, rodents, fungi, weeds, or other forms of plant, animal life or viruses. A pesticide may also be any substance that you use to regulate plant growth. Cultivators commonly use pesticides to prevent pests from destroying crops, a completely legal practice; however, pesticides are not without risk, especially at high residual levels
Solvent testing is designed to detect traces of residual solvents left over from the manufacturing process. Many of the solvents used to create extracts and isolates can be carcinogenic and(or) toxic for human and animal consumption. Therefore, state regulations clearly define the limits for residual solvents and care must be taken to meet these regulatory mandates. Click here to learn more about the test we offer.
Under-drying flower products can present serious issues, as this can lead to mold and other microbial growth. Controlling the moisture content and water activity of your products (flower, gummies, chocolates, etc..) will allow you to hit the sweet spot where microbial growth is prevented. The moisture content is the percentage (by weight) of water in your cannabis flower products. Water activity is a measure of how much water is not chemically bound (and available) for microbial growth. Both tests allow product manufacturers to make shelf-stable products.
Did you know that plants produce aromatic compounds called terpenes that provide both flavor and aroma, while also offering therapeutic benefits? CAL can assist you in identifying your product's distinct characteristics by using Gas Chromatography.
The presence of dangerous pathogens, such as Aspergillus, Salmonella, and E. coli, in cannabis products, can pose a threat to consumers. Early microbial detection is essential to avoid reaching fatal levels, and to mitigate crop loss. Click here to learn more about the test we offer.
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolite compounds produced by fungi. Fungi can infect cannabis flower; as well as, crops that go into the production of edibles and other cannabis products. Under the right conditions, fungi can grow before plant harvest, during storage, or even directly on food items. Improper storage conditions create the perfect warm and humid environment for fungi to flourish. As fungi grow and replicate, it naturally produces mycotoxins. Since many mycotoxins are relatively stable this means they can remain chemically intact and toxic even after the harsh treatment of food processing. Click here to learn more about the test we offer.
Potency testing is essential for biomass and finished products. Your customers want to know what they are consuming, and our regulators want to know how to appropriately tax your products! If you don’t know the potency of your products, then you won’t know how to meet your label claim. Click here to learn more about the test we offer.
The FDA defines filth as any kind of matter that should not be present in food or edible products, including rodent feces, insects, insect fragments, parasites, and other extraneous materials that may contaminate a product during processing and storing. Testing for Filth & Foreign Matter allows us to keep your consumers safe. Click here to learn more about the test we offer